As of: 02/13/2025
Stop ID# |
Stop name |
Direction of travel |
Location |
Special notes |
15423 | 4700 W Old Orchard Rd | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
14990 | Central & Orrington | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14991 | Central & Orrington | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
15924 | Central & Sheridan | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14280 | Central Street & Asbury | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14402 | Central Street & Asbury | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14281 | Central Street & Ashland | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14282 | Central Street & Ashland | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14285 | Central Street & Bennett | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14286 | Central Street & Bennett | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
12637 | Central Street & Broadway/Poplar | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
12636 | Central Street & Broadway/Poplar | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14236 | Central Street & Central Park | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14233 | Central Street & Central Park | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
17910 | Central Street & Cowper | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
12702 | Central Street & Crawford | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
12701 | Central Street & Crawford | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
17511 | Central Street & Eastwood | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14689 | Central Street & Eastwood | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14683 | Central Street & Ewing | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
12640 | Central Street & Girard (Purple Line) | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
12639 | Central Street & Girard (Purple Line) | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
12641 | Central Street & Green Bay Rd | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
12642 | Central Street & Green Bay Rd | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14682 | Central Street & Hartrey | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
14688 | Central Street & Hartrey | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
18153 | Central Street & Jackson | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
18152 | Central Street & Jackson | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14289 | Central Street & Lawndale | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14290 | Central Street & Lawndale | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14684 | Central Street & Lincolnwood | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14687 | Central Street & Lincolnwood | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14237 | Central Street & McDaniel | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14232 | Central Street & McDaniel | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
12643 | Central Street & Prospect | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14686 | Central Street & Prospect | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14287 | Central Street & Reese | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14288 | Central Street & Reese | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
14681 | Central Street & Ridge | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14690 | Central Street & Ridge | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14230 | Central Street & Sherman | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
14231 | Central Street & Sherman | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14283 | Central Street & Walnut | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14284 | Central Street & Walnut | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
15318 | Chicago & Clark | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
17302 | Chicago & Sheridan | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
14403 | Chicago Avenue & Church | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14692 | Chicago Avenue & Davis | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
12708 | Church & Benson | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14709 | Church & Chicago Avenue | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
12680 | Church & Maple | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
12648 | Church & Sherman | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14091 | Clark & Birchwood | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14056 | Clark & Howard | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
14405 | Davis & Benson | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
12686 | Davis & Maple | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
12687 | Davis & Oak | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14693 | Davis & Orrington | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14685 | Gross Point & Harrison | Southwestbound | Northeast Corner | |
3513 | Howard & Chicago Avenue | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
3514 | Howard & Clyde | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
3515 | Howard & Custer | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
3631 | Howard & Damen | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
3517 | Howard & Ridge | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
3629 | Howard & Ridge | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
3632 | Howard & Wolcott | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
3575 | Old Orchard Mall - Bloomingdales | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
3574 | Old Orchard Mall - Macys | Northbound | Bus Terminal | |
15424 | Old Orchard Rd & Beverly | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14234 | Old Orchard Rd & Skokie Blvd | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14235 | Old Orchard Rd & Skokie Blvd | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14093 | Paulina & Howard Terminal | Northbound | Bus Terminal | |
17150 | Ridge & Austin | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14334 | Ridge & Brummel | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14333 | Ridge & Brummel | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
12689 | Ridge & Church | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14267 | Ridge & Crain | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14266 | Ridge & Crain | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
12690 | Ridge & Davis | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
12691 | Ridge & Davis | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
14240 | Ridge & Dempster | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
18709 | Ridge & Dempster | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
14265 | Ridge & Greenleaf | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14264 | Ridge & Greenleaf | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14269 | Ridge & Greenwood | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14268 | Ridge & Greenwood | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
12692 | Ridge & Grove | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
12693 | Ridge & Grove | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
13149 | Ridge & Hull Terrace | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
13148 | Ridge & Hull Terrace | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14271 | Ridge & Lake | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14270 | Ridge & Lake | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14263 | Ridge & Lee | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14262 | Ridge & Lee | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
12695 | Ridge & Main | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
12694 | Ridge & Main | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14259 | Ridge & Monroe | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14258 | Ridge & Monroe | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
18322 | Ridge & Mulford | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
14338 | Ridge & Mulford | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14255 | Ridge & Oakton | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14254 | Ridge & Oakton | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14257 | Ridge & Seward | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14256 | Ridge & Seward | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14261 | Ridge & Washington | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
14260 | Ridge & Washington | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
15452 | Rogers & Hermitage | Northeastbound | Southside of the Street | |
18354 | Sheridan & Emerson | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
17296 | Sheridan & Foster | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
17295 | Sheridan & Foster | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
18355 | Sheridan & Haven | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
18357 | Sheridan & Haven | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
18356 | Sheridan & Lincoln | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
17301 | Sheridan & Lincoln | Southbound | Southwest Corner |